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Finding your bliss or finding your purpose

Elly Elizabeth Korving • 1 september 2024

Finding your bliss or finding your purpose

What is your purpose in life… following your bliss… your heroes journey

The words Purpose and bliss are such profound words that if you look for them in another language, for example in Dutch, it doesn’t quite cover the full meaning.

So, following your bliss, as joseph campbell says — the word *bliss* has such serenity in it—calmness. At the same time, it takes you out of your known path and into the unknown. What would happen to the world if we all followed our bliss, without judgment, and only with aha’s, applause, and encouragement?

We all have our own ‘hero's journey’ to make, and if we wake up, we will, if we have the courage to go and die several ego deaths, take the steps to go through it. It is about facing your inner strength but also your weaknesses, and finding out that you create heaven or hell on this earth and in your own life.

Do you want or need to have a purpose, or do you need or want to experience your bliss? That is the only question you can answer. If you don’t want to, that is also okay… if you are happy living with the conformity of life. Even stepping into nonconformity is taking you to places you want to experience.

'The treasure you seek is in the cave you fear to enter'-

 joseph campbell

This is the deepest line you know you can find. And if you become aware of wanting to find your bliss, then you will have to go through the unknown, following only your path—the one only you can take—not following what others say you have to take.

For me, this past year has been about entering these deep fears and just going through them. I used to bypass these fears and kept myself in line with what society had written out for us (me). I often justified my decisions in my head by telling myself they were necessary—for my family, friends, city, or country. But truly experiencing your bliss, discovering your true purpose, and walking the path of self-discovery is such a gift. It starts with a decision—a realization that everything is okay and that you are amazing, no matter what steps you take. You are always taken care of.

Three Tips for Finding and Following Your Bliss:

1. Listen to Your Inner Voice:

  Often, your intuition or inner voice knows the path you should take, even when it seems daunting. Start by paying attention to those quiet nudges, those persistent feelings or thoughts that guide you toward something new or different. Trusting your intuition is the first step on your hero's journey. - Start every day with 3 times 5 minutes of silence and just go through it-

2. Embrace Discomfort as Growth:

  Stepping out of your comfort zone is essential for personal growth. The unknown is where your true potential lies. When you feel fear or resistance, recognize it as a sign that you are on the verge of something transformative. Lean into that discomfort; it's a necessary part of the journey toward your bliss. There are no mistakes to make only learnings but you need to go and walk the path. Don’t hide just go. 

3. Surround Yourself with Encouragement:

  Find a community or support system that encourages and uplifts you as you explore your path. Whether it's friends, mentors, or like-minded individuals, having people who understand and support your journey can make all the difference. Their applause and encouragement will help you persevere through the challenging parts of your journey. Learn how you work - what super powers you have received and how you can use them. 

How does your bliss look, your purpose look like? 

What unknown path will you take? 

What fears do you need to conquer? Have you thought deeply about this? Have you already noticed the signs from your higher self, urging you to learn and grow? 

Reflect on the state of your body and mind. Where are you in your life? If you could rate your current experience, what number would you give it? And most importantly, if you could make a wish for something you truly want to do, what would it be? Have you stopped yourself because your inner dialogue pulled you back to conformity?

Consider where you are on your hero’s journey. Have you stepped onto the path yet, or are you still hesitating, waiting for a sign? Or getting and receiving the signs but ignoring them. 

The journey to live your full potential and to truly know yourself is the most precious adventure you can embark on. It is your hero’s journey, and it is filled with magic, transformation, and the promise of discovering your bliss. ❤️✨

On my journey I connect to different beautiful human beings who bring me further on my heroes journey and inspire me - this inspiration was a friendship from my journey in Swanage where i met Siri … Thanks Siri for your wisdom. 

XoXo Elly Elizabeth

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